Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Putting other people's words on your blog does not make you lazy but rather transforms you into a prospector who finds a mineral motherlode after much digging and sifting. And so, enjoy these deep emotional nuggets from my misguided/on target friend who stares down the abyss in her own special way:

PIC: A.S. (the blond) w/her bestie E.M. There were way worse/better photos but I was sensitive to the confidentiality factor-not that she would give a shit.

Portion of her Profile and Info:

cities, cigarettes, speedy, nights that end the next morning, mixes, gum, cheap wine, dresses as shirts, cocktails, dinner and drinks, serial killers, good books, the 60s, my car, and edith minturn sedgwick
"We mistake lust for love and pop more pills, slam more drugs, drink ourselves silly or end us, scraping the inside of a pipe just to hit the resin and flush life down a toilet."
Oh, I go there. I'm a good time. Impress me

I hate facebook, and my life rules. Let's get drinks and get inspired

Slices of her life:

just woke up. not really sure how i'm still alive.3:55 PM Jul
YOU'RE THE TOTAL OPPOSITE OF RELIABLE. cheers to that5:02 PM Jul 3rd from web
slosh fest at my apartment come theee fuck overr10:34 PM Jul
pour me another cause i can still see the floooorr.7:00 PM Jun
how the fuck do you get red wine off the walls?2:30 PM
shelly's blood is still everywhere.6:37 PM Jun 24th
i'd be lost without my advil PMs.7:29 PM Jun 18th from
got barked at on york avenue1:28
Why can't you leave already?8:10 PM May
I'd like long, dark, bold eyelashes 24/7. But not the clumpy kind.1:33 PM Jun 12th from web
i've had lovers for so many years i've begun to have affairs7:25 PM Jun 9th from
cigarettes and champagne in my bubble bath. the good life4:33 PM Jun 8th from web
totally in love with my belgian film studies professor. what. a. stud.12:01 PM
Vermont ruled. Wine picnics and going into salt caves drunk. I've decided if you don't care, I don't either. What the fuck is Easter?4:21 PM Apr 12th from web

What her friends tell her:

we are the biggest homos and i love you and i hope youre listening to underoath because me and kira were and i was jammin out and it reminded me of the good ol days but i already told you this. have fun with your 17 year old friend you fucking pedophile...i dont know what the city has done to you, but last time i checked, we had standards.LOL JK, STANDARDS? WHAT ARE THOSE? maybe theyre things that coexist with shame which has been stricken from our vocab since about 8th grade post climbing my fat ass out of your basement window. love you forevsies, this is getting long and obnoxious butttttt okay bye

next dayy i have off imma come to the cityy and we can fuck shitt up! i can't even begin to explain how much i miss waking up to you on the floor with a box of cheeze-itz on your head

no matter how shameful the story i tell you, you always make me hang up the phone wanting to do it again. i hope you enjoyed ya bubble bath, love and miss you ♥

eating cold pizza and drinking captain morgan.... it's 5:44 in the morning.... wtf am i doing lOVE YOU

I feel sorry for her and envy her at the same time..............

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moratorium on Stuff

I am boldly declaring that the world should immediately cease and desist from making more stuff. Why? Because there is plenty of it floating around already. Like chairs for instance. There are plenty of antique, old, semi-old, gently used, like-new and brand new chairs in existence at this point in time. There are 10,000 different stlyes with 10,000 different colors and that is enough. Take your pick from those. Don't make no more!!! Same goes for tables, couches, dressers, clothes, pots, pans, hoses, book shelves (AND BOOKS), flower pots, CARS and silverware. Cultivate scarcity. Stop making shit. Stop buying shit. Let's create a government agency that will have to declare an item kaput. Office of the Inspector General of the Obsolete. They have to issue a sticker to affix onto an item before you can throw it out. And then only 1 new one of those can then be produced.

I notice no audible difference between the sound coming from 1977 8 tracks and 2010 mpeg digital downloadable tunes. If necessary, a newly created Dept of Technology may allow an occassionally socially transforming invention to be placed on the market with the caveat of "1 per household". None of this nonsense of 4 wireless laptops, 6 tv's and 4 cars for a family of 4. (Are we really surprised that our relationships suck?)

Endorse minimalism. Give some stuff away-NOW. Give--not sell! We know you like your great grandfather's headboard and teacup collection but nobody wants to pay 175.00 for them. And they won't--so just give them away. You'll feel better. All the memories you need are in your head anyway.

And those don't scratch, dent , nick, bend or rust. And they can't be sold. But are, however, easily shared.

Picture legend: The Greek island of Delos. There is nothing there and the total number of inhabitants are 14. (mostly archeologists) It used to be a major commerce and religious center 2000 years ago. Stuff doesn't last. I was there and took a rock. It seemed really important to do that at the time as a memory piece. I have no idea where it is now.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Funder's List #1

Too late to write but never too late for lists. The importance, function and health promoting benefits of lists could be an entire blog itself......

Travel Memories that just now surface on their own and get quickly commented on:

1) Sitting in the middle of SR 664 in Hocking County at 3 am under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, LSD and who knows what else with my two best friends circa 1981 in 0 degree temperature. No one around except one Park Ranger who knew we owned the land.

2) Delos--a very archeological and ruinous Greek Island inhabited by 3 or 4 researchers and some wild dogs. Previously a hub of Mediterranean commerce, religion and culture. I arrived too late for that in 1997. Fast forward to 2010 and I realize that Greek women have a very uncommon beauty. Thanks for that Vasia.

3) Holiday Inn Linn Street Cincinnati Ohio 1982 -Girls in sheets, near fisticuffs with the Southern Rock group Molly Hatchett- ( they threatened to kill me but I calmly took a drink out of my fifth of Jim Beam and looked em in the eye and said "Go for it!". Luckily they were pussies.) Hospitable manager -after receiving many complaints- offers to give us rooms on an empty floor and even have someone move the kegs out of the bathtub for us.

4) First non family trip to New Orleans French Quarter 1987 with hot girlfriend. Did dumb stuff like dinner, Zoo, Tulane University but it didn't matter because you knew at the end of the day good sex was a given.

5) Village of my origin- Periam, Romania 1976 Enjoyed being chased by geese and gypsies and having my Aunt cook and wash. With no electricity/running water, nighttime was always an adventure.

6) First Big Ten Tournament - Palmer House Hotel, Chicago Illinois 199? Great friends, good seats courtesy Penn State (because no one that was actually affiliated with PSU wanted to attend), the best food at The Rosebud and Kostas and pretty damn good shower sex. There is no better place for me to stay in Chicago than the Palmer House. Period. Art Museum a block away. Fuck fish, fuck the Navy Pier, fuck Michigan Ave, fuck the stupid tall bldg whose name I forget.... You just need to go and stay at the Art Museum and Palmer House. For weeks.

7) Almost anyplace in Florida: Gainesville and the great people and kids at Job Corps "go around the lake to get to the dorms and watch out for the alligators". First and only time I had a curse placed on me by Haitian girls. U of F students rock . Tampa and the friendly ladies...Cape Coral/Ft Myers for taking the kids on vacay and tons of boating, Miami -Fountainbleu Hotel . The Keys and deep sea fishing. Ft Pierce - where I saw a man showering with a monkey at the public docks .....Sand, heat, lizards, ocean, little or no clothing....Shit, why does anyone live anywhere else?

8) Palm Desert CA Joshua Tree National Forest- cactus, coyote (but too old for peyote) desolate yet peaceful, short drive back to the lost luxury of Palm Springs and vicinity. Take a month or two and just sit....La Jolla, CA as well... horses, money, restaurants and with a special significant other, very romantic.

9) Santa Fe New Mexico with the sexiest hottest girl from work whom you have wanted for years and with the (again romantic) adobe, art, mexican food and cerveza and the HOTT frying at the pool all day finally giving way to a chilly retreat into the 68 degree conditioned air /pressed clean sheets/drowsy but arousy collapse onto bed when , with her green eyes closed, she smiles and says " You don't have to stop" .

10) Rome- Although I was only 12, I still felt the romance. I was in love with my 8th grade first time crush and I missed Amy Hot Dog terribly. Ahhh, but the romance--- it literally kinda just hangs in the air --especially at night. Unfortunately, I felt it alone, likely in the bathroom of the hotel room at the Cavalieri Hilton....

Apologies to Los Angeles, San Diego, Denver, Montreal, Toronto, Atlanta, Dallas, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Budapest, Venice, Munich, Zurich, Paris, Belgrade, Istanbul and lots of other exotic and/or slightly less spectacular locales--------not enough to jar my memory at this time. Maybe later. I'll have to do a romance check on those recollections.