Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moratorium on Stuff

I am boldly declaring that the world should immediately cease and desist from making more stuff. Why? Because there is plenty of it floating around already. Like chairs for instance. There are plenty of antique, old, semi-old, gently used, like-new and brand new chairs in existence at this point in time. There are 10,000 different stlyes with 10,000 different colors and that is enough. Take your pick from those. Don't make no more!!! Same goes for tables, couches, dressers, clothes, pots, pans, hoses, book shelves (AND BOOKS), flower pots, CARS and silverware. Cultivate scarcity. Stop making shit. Stop buying shit. Let's create a government agency that will have to declare an item kaput. Office of the Inspector General of the Obsolete. They have to issue a sticker to affix onto an item before you can throw it out. And then only 1 new one of those can then be produced.

I notice no audible difference between the sound coming from 1977 8 tracks and 2010 mpeg digital downloadable tunes. If necessary, a newly created Dept of Technology may allow an occassionally socially transforming invention to be placed on the market with the caveat of "1 per household". None of this nonsense of 4 wireless laptops, 6 tv's and 4 cars for a family of 4. (Are we really surprised that our relationships suck?)

Endorse minimalism. Give some stuff away-NOW. Give--not sell! We know you like your great grandfather's headboard and teacup collection but nobody wants to pay 175.00 for them. And they won't--so just give them away. You'll feel better. All the memories you need are in your head anyway.

And those don't scratch, dent , nick, bend or rust. And they can't be sold. But are, however, easily shared.

Picture legend: The Greek island of Delos. There is nothing there and the total number of inhabitants are 14. (mostly archeologists) It used to be a major commerce and religious center 2000 years ago. Stuff doesn't last. I was there and took a rock. It seemed really important to do that at the time as a memory piece. I have no idea where it is now.

1 comment:

  1. Like it. Totally agree. Except for clothes...keep making new clothes!!
